do philodendrons need a lot of sun and water in summer?


introduction philodendrons

The Philodendron flower with the scientific name Philodendron belongs to the trumpet family. The main distribution area of Philodendron is South America, India, and tropical forests.

Philodendron flower or wolf’s ear is one of the low-maintenance home flowers.

Characteristics of philodendron flower

Characteristics of philodendron flower

Do philodendrons flower indoors?

Philodendron flower is a plant that comes in both ascending and descending forms. For this purpose, you can use a guard or holder to prevent the stems from breaking in the ascending state.

The hanging flowers are usually heart-shaped and grow faster than the climbing types.

Do philodendrons flower indoors

The height of this beautiful plant reaches up to 2 meters in the apartment and other enclosed spaces. Philodendron is a poisonous flower and should be kept away from children.

One of the most prominent features of the philodendron flower is the production of aerial roots.

Philodendron flower storage conditions

Philodendron flower storage conditions

– Watering: Like most houseplants, philodendron flowers need more water in spring and summer due to hot weather, and it is better to keep the potting soil moist.

Note that excessive watering will cause the philodendron leaves to yellow. In the winter months, when the plant is not growing, you should reduce the amount of watering.

Water when the soil in the pot is dry. If possible, let the water stand at room temperature for a while before watering so that the chlorine disappears.

Key points about watering Philodendron or Philodendron

Key points about watering Philodendron or Philodendron

Do philodendrons need a lot of sun and water in summer?

  1. Always choose a pot suitable for the root. A large pot causes root fungus and a small pot causes growth to stop.
  1. From April, the plant needs more watering, so check if two knuckles of the soil surface are dry. Repeat the watering.
  2. Check the drainage of the pot, the excess water must be removed from under the pot. Be careful with ceramic pots, because they have only one hole, so the soil is not well-ventilated and there is a risk of waterlogging and root rot.
  3. If possible, do not use tall pots. If you use a tall pot, you should fill the bottom half of the pot with pumice.


Always choose a pot suitable for the root

– Temperature: The best temperature range for growing and caring for this plant is 13-24 degrees Celsius. Do not place the philodendron at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature is too high, spray the plant with water. Be careful not to leave water on the leaves.

– Light: Philodendron is resistant to lack of light, but does not grow well in low light. Most Philodendron species are climbers, and climbers need good light, albeit indirect (behind the curtain), to grow better.

Soil and fertilization: Soil rich in organic matter such as lemon soil and compost is suitable for philodendrons. Note that the potting soil has good drainage.

- Light Philodendron is resistant to lack of light

Golden tips on fertilizing philodendron flowers

  1. The potting soil becomes nutrient-poor two to three months after planting, so fertilizing should not be started until after this period.
  2. Stop fertilizing with three twenty of mid-autumn, because the day is shortened and excessive fertilization will harm the plant.

Propagation: The methods of propagation of philodendron flowers are sticking stems and cuttings. Spring and early summer is the right time for cuttings propagation of this plant.


Golden tips on fertilizing philodendron flowers

Pot: Change the flower pot of Philodendron every 2-3 years in early spring for better growth. However, some species of this plant have a high growth rate, so it is better to increase the pot earlier.

One of the signs that it is time to change the pot is that the roots come out of the bottom of the pot and stop growing. If the plant is getting too large and it is not possible to change the pot, replace a few inches of topsoil with nutrient-rich soil.

Pruning: Dry and yellowed leaves can be removed from the plant. When the leaves of the philodendron become too large, the need for water also increases, which you can control by pruning.


How to prepare moss custard

How to prepare moss custard

  1. Prepare a piece of straw or plastic pipe no more than two centimeters in diameter and the final height of the plant, a plastic thread, and some moss.
  2. Wrap the moss around the straw or tube and tie it tightly with a thread.
  3. When you change the pot, put the straw in the right place and tie it to the plant.


Philodendron flower pests and diseases

Philodendron flower pests and diseases

The leaves are withered and there are no spring buds

If it is cold, move the pot to a warmer place.

Cotton-shaped white wounds appear on the leaves of Philodendron flowers

It is caused by an insect pest. Spray your plant every two weeks with infiltrating poisons and insecticides according to the instructions until the symptoms disappear, or poison the areas with a special brush or cotton dipped in a poison solution.

Cotton-shaped white wounds appear on the leaves of Philodendron flowers

The leaves turn yellow and fall

The potting soil is boggy. Remove the water from under the pot and visit the drain. Let the surface soil of the pot dry completely in the time between watering, and then start watering with a smaller amount of water.

Burnt spots have appeared on the leaves of the philodendron flower

If you want to spray dust in the sun, do it in the morning or evening when it is not too hot and there is shade.

When the light passes through the water droplets on the leaves, it acts like light passing through glass, hurting the leaves and causing them to burn.

New leaves lack growth and are small

The plant suffers from a lack of nutrients in the pot. Make up for this deficiency every two weeks by artificial feeding as directed.

The leaves are discolored and have cobwebs on the underside

The tiny red mite is the cause of this failure. Spray the plant every two weeks with an acaricide as directed. Pollination in decline. The pest is having an effect. The leaves of the philodendron flower fall off

The plant is very thirsty, the weather is dry or hot yogurt. Check the conditions, and if necessary, put the plant in a pot with water for fifteen minutes start spraying, and move the pot to a cooler place.

The stems are long and the distance between the leaves is large . Either the light is not enough or the plant needs artificial food. Put the pot in a brighter place and fertilize every two weeks with special fertilizer.

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