Is it better to propagate Peperomia in water or soil?



The peperomia with the logical name Peperomia magnifolia belongs to the Piperaceae family. This plant is herbaceous and evergreen .

The plant is very undemanding, and as it is native to dense forests, it can easily tolerate low light, shade and a lack of water.

 For this reason, it can be included in the category of popular houseplants.

Peperomia magnifolia

What is the shape of the Peperomia?

Peperomia magnifolia is a short plant with stems that are not woody. 

This plant has egg-shaped, completely green leaves. This ovoid shape, which resembles a spoon, is also the reason for the unofficial name of this plant: studies.

What is the shape of the Peperomia

Peperomia rotundifolia variety spoon

  1. Peperomia Rotundifolia
  2. Pellucida
  3. Peperomia Obtusifolia
  4. Peperomia Polybotrya
  5. Peperomia caperata
  6. Peperomia Puteolata

Peperomia rotundifolia variety spoon

Temperature and humidity when storing Peperomia:

The cultivation of Peperomia plants means that we have to go deep into the wilderness. 

The discussion there is exceptionally humid and exceptionally hot. The flower looks beautiful as it stays firm and develops well at a temperature that people like in their homes.

Temperature and humidity when storing Peperomia

So it’s not difficult for us to maintain the right temperature. You need to make sure that the temperature in your house is between 25 and 30 degrees and doesn’t change too much.

Be careful, because if the Peperomia suddenly gets very hot or very cold, it could be damaged.

 This is especially true because our tropical flower cannot tolerate a constant and strong flow of cold air.

The right light for keeping Peperomia at home

The right light for keeping Peperomia at home

One of the other requirements for keeping the spoon flower at home is the right light for this plant.

 The Peperomia plants needs moderate to medium light (depending on the type of spoon plant, the amount of light required changes, and the spoon plant usually needs more light), but this plant can continue its life well without light.

This plant tolerates direct sunlight in the early morning or evening (especially in seasons such as spring, fall and summer).

The Peperomia plants needs moderate to medium light

But beware of direct sunlight in the afternoon on hot days (especially in summer).

 One of the other requirements for keeping the spoon plant at home is the right light for this plant.

The Peperomia plants needs moderate to medium light (depending on the variety of spoon plant, the amount of light required changes, and the ablaqs usually need more light), but this plant can continue its life well without light.

This plant tolerates direct sunlight in the early morning or evening (especially in seasons such as spring, fall and summer).

especially in seasons such as spring, fall and summer

Is it better to propagate Peperomia in water or soil?

Peperomia stems can normally develop well in water until they have become full plants.

 After cutting the stems, place them in a glass and make sure they are not too close together.

How to store spoon flower in water

How to store spoon flower in water?

You can grow Peperomia plants in water using the hydroponic method.

 With this method, the lower part of the plant’s stem is placed in water so that the roots receive the minerals they need.

The Peperomia plants needs clean and chlorine-free water. To keep the water clean and prevent the growth of weeds, you can cover the top of the container and keep it dark.

The Peperomia plants needs clean and chlorine-free water


To keep the Peperomia plants healthy in water, it must be given the right food. 

The spoon plant should be fed regularly with a nutrient solution made for plants that grow in water.

To keep the Peperomia plants healthy in water

Light and temperature

Place the Peperomia plants in a place with good light. To keep Peperomia plants in water, they need sunlight, but not too much, as this can harm them.

The right temperature for the Peperomia plants is also very important, so the temperature of the spoon plant should be between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Light and temperature

Water and care of the flower:

Peperomia magnifolia is one of the house plants that does not need much water. This plant has evolved to survive and thrive even when water is scarce.

Water and care of the flower

If you give the Peperomia plant too much water, its roots will rot. It is advisable to water the plants once a week.

 The surface of the pot must be completely dry. If the top of the soil is wet, do not water the Peperomia plant until the soil is completely dry.

Propagation of Peperomia Magnifolia flower

Propagation of Peperomia Magnifolia flower

by cuttings from the stem of the Peperomia magnifolia flower With this method you should use completely healthy and large stems of Peperomia.

 It is better to choose stems that have several completely healthy and fresh leaves.

Place the cut stems in special caps made of foam or neoprene. You can make sufficiently deep holes in the foam, into which you can then firmly insert the stems.

the Peperomia magnifolia flower

The next step is to dip the cuttings in rooting powder. Now you have to wait a few days until you see the first signs of the plant’s growth.

Roots, however small they may be, can often be seen by the end of the third day or by the fourth day at the latest.

 But you must continue this patience for at least 10 days to see large roots.

this patience for at least 10 days to see large roots

At this stage, you can move the rooted cuttings to their new location by digging holes in the soil of the pot.

 With a short watering, you have completed the stages of Peperomia propagation by stem cuttings.

Propagation of Peperomia by Peperomia cuttings

Propagation of Peperomia by Peperomia cuttings

Choose large, full-leafed leaves that are healthy and strong in every respect. Fix them in a foam-like cover. Dip the ends of the leaves in rooting powder.

As with the cuttings method, be patient and wait for the roots to grow completely from inside the leaves like twigs.

Can a Peperomia take root in water

It takes about 3 to 4 weeks until the roots are ready to be planted in the soil of the pot. 

During this time, you should regularly care for the cut shoots and keep them from rotting by giving them good ventilation.

Planting a Peperomia in water

Can a Peperomia take root in water?

Planting a Peperomia in water

As you know, settling in water is one of the only and most compelling thoughts for the propagation of many houseplants.

 In this case, you will also apply simple strategies for propagating Peperomia in water and achieve more blooms.

you should select new stems with solid and healthy shoots

In this strategy, you should select new stems with solid and healthy shoots. 

Of course, the part of the stem that will be placed in water must be free of leaves.

 Cut the stem at an angle and place the end in a limited volume of water, e.g.

a glass. It takes about a month for the first roots to appear. Of course, you will have to wait much longer until these young roots have found enough strength to stay in the soil.

Conlusion :

In this article, we have familiarised ourselves with the storage conditions of the Peperomia plant

This beautiful houseplant in various species can beautify your work environment or home, provided you follow the tips on caring for the Peperomia plant.

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