how do you get rid of milkweed in a hay field?
Weed control in alfalfa fields
Summer weeds grow more vigorously than alfalfa in spring-planted fields and should be controlled. Weeds can be a problem in fields that are planted in spring.
If weeds are not controlled in spring alfalfa, the plant will not be able to establish. In general, the yield of alfalfa planted in the spring is lower than that of alfalfa planted in the fall, and the life of the field planted in the spring is also shorter.
Weed control in alfalfa
1- Complete farms
Weeds don’t cause problems in fields that are managed properly. Well-managed farms have soil with a pH of around 7, good fertility, and good pest control.
Weed seeds have grown in the fields, but they cannot develop because there are too many other plants growing there.
Also, when the alfalfa is mowed, the weeds in the field cannot grow as fast as the alfalfa. Harvesting the alfalfa at a time when 10% of the flowers have appeared prevents the growth of perennial weeds such as sedge when the humidity is high and the soil is fertile.
Therefore, the presence of weeds in perennial alfalfa fields is a sign of poor management or a sign of a diseased and overcrowded field. also for more information about What does underwatered ivy look like? click on the link
The lifespan of alfalfa grown with pest-resistant varieties is 4 to 8 years in different regions. In areas where it rains a lot and the probability of disease occurrence is high, the lifespan of alfalfa fields is short.
2- Thin farms
If the stalk density of the alfalfa is less than 30 per 39 square meters, the alfalfa does not occupy all parts of the field, and production decreases.
When alfalfa density reaches this level, weeds can grow and compete with the alfalfa in areas where alfalfa has not grown.
In such fields, for every pound of weeds produced, one-half to one pound of hay is produced less. Winter annual weeds are the first problem if the plants are not very dense.
A good indicator that the field is in good condition is if more than 5% of the plants are weeds when it is time to harvest. If there are too many weeds, we should use the right weedkillers to get rid of them.
-Studies have shown that controlling winter weeds in thin fields increases alfalfa yields by 15 % from the second harvest onwards.
Since it is known that weeds grow faster in fields infested by insects, it is necessary to control insect pests in such fields.
On the other hand, thin alfalfa fields should be fertile enough to produce crops. In general, narrow-leaved and broad-leaved weeds cause problems in such fields, with narrow-leaved weeds being more difficult to control.
Herbicides used on alfalfa fields
-Chlorthal dimethyl (75%) wp This product is used to control milkweeds and other weeds in late winter when the horse forage has woken up at a rate of 8-12 kg per hectare.
It is also used in freshly planted horse forage areas in the development phase or in early spring when the horse forage has woken up.
It is also used after the drainage grass has greened up when the horse forage is 20-25 cm high and the drainage grass is connected to the horse forage and sometime after the drainage grass has flowered.
– Paraquat (20%) SL: at a rate of 3-5 liters per hectare, it is used only to destroy milkweed-infected grains in the form of spots. The number of sprays with this herbicide depends on the quantity required.
-Glyphosate (Roundup) (41) SL in a quantity of 366-730 ml is only used when a large area is infested with milkweed.
It should be noted that the use of Frigist at a rate of 5 per thousand (2 liters per hectare) or ammonium sulfate at a rate of 2% (8 kg per hectare) together with glyphosate reduces its consumption.
Weed control in newly planted alfalfa fields
Competing weeds must be controlled in newly established horse forage fields to support the safe and complete establishment of the horse forage.
For the largest generation to develop within the forage plot established at harvest time, 11 horse forage seedlings must have developed in 0.93 square meters or approximately 0.9 square yards.
Planting 9 kg of horse fodder seed per hectare will result in approximately 14-16 horse fodder seedlings per 39 square meters.
Winter weeds in alfalfa planted in the fall have the same vigor as alfalfa, a small number of these weeds are tolerable, for example, one plant per 39 square meters, tall plants such as mustard can reduce yield by ten percent, and six plants per 39 square meters. in alfalfa reduces yield by 60% of the plant.