how to look after hydrangeas in the garden for all seasons?



It is important to know where to plant this flower. Many people plant them in beds near houses or fences, because hydrangeas like the heat of the sun in the morning, but not the heat in the afternoon. Therefore, it is best if the hydrangea is in the sun in the morning and can spend the afternoon in the shade.

Find a spot north or south of your home. Avoid planting this plant directly under a tree or they will compete for water and nutrients. Keep in mind that the strong wind will destroy the leaves and flowers of this plant.

How to grow hydrangeas at home

how to look after hydrangeas in the garden for all seasons?

How to grow hydrangeas at home

If you want to plant and grow an attractive garden flower, growing hydrangea is the best choice. This flower is very beautiful and stunning and blooms in spring and summer.

Star Plant and Animal Service – Although hydrangeas look like they need a lot of care and maintenance, growing hydrangeas is very easy.

So put on your gardening gloves and follow our tips to easily grow this beautiful flower. If you want to know more about growing this beautiful flower, read the article below.

How to plant and grow hydrangeas

How to plant and grow hydrangeas

In spring and summer, hydrangea is counted among shrubs. Its flowers are breathtakingly beautiful, and everyone who sees them in the garden stops and stares at them for a few seconds. The flowers grow up to 4.5 meters high in one summer and fill the whole space.

Hydrangea is a perennial (3 to 7 years) in the winter hardiness zone. The flowers begin to grow in early spring and are at the peak of their stunning beauty in the summer to early fall.

Hydrangea planting method

Hydrangea planting method

Knowing the basics of growing hydrangeas can save you time and money. By choosing the right location, preparing the soil, and planting properly, you will increase your chances of enjoying these beautiful flowering shrubs.

To plant this plant, dig a hole 61 inches wider than the root of the plant. Dig the hole as deep as the root ball so that the plant is at ground level or slightly higher. If you form a small mound, the plant can drain better.

The best time to plant hydrangeas

The best time to plant hydrangeas

Autumn and early spring are the best seasons for planting hydrangeas. The best time for planting is during the day, early morning, and late afternoon. It is better to plant this plant when the weather is cool (to avoid heat) and it should be well watered as long as it grows.

A suitable place for planting hydrangeas

A suitable place for planting hydrangeas

Suitable soil for hydrangeas

Hydrangeas do well in soils that contain organic matter. Drainage is also important for this flower. Hydrangea likes moist soil, but cannot grow in soil that is waterlogged.

The roots of this flower in wet and poorly drained soil will die within a few weeks. If you have heavy soil, work a generous amount of compost into the soil before planting to improve soil quality.

Suitable soil for hydrangeas

How to cut hydrangeas?

 The steps are as follows:

  1. – Dig a small hole near the hydrangea.
  2. – Bend a branch into the hole so that the plant touches the ground inside the hole. (Fifteen to thirty inches of the branch should go through the hole and stay outside).
  3. – Make a scratch in the bark of the plant (where it touches the soil inside the hole).
  4. – Fill the cavity and place a brick or stone on top.
  5. – In time, the branch will form its root.

Smooth hydrangeas and oak leaves form new branches through underground roots. In this case, it is enough to identify the new branch and separate it from the main plant. This offshoot can be grown separately.

How to cut hydrangeas

Hydrangea care tips

As mentioned, although the leaves and flowers of the hydrangea plant look delicate and delicate, it does not require special and careful care. Here are some tips for hydrangea care. also for more information about What is the best way to keep hydrangeas alive? click on the link

  • – Give the plant 2.5 cm of water per week during the growing season. Water the plant deeply 3 times a week to strengthen the roots.
  • The large-leaved and tender hydrangeas need more water.

Watering in the morning will prevent the plant from wilting on hot days.

  • – To keep the soil moist and cool, place compost under the plant. Organic fertilizers decompose over time, adding nutrients and improving soil texture.
  • – Fertilize according to the type of hydrangea you have. Each species has its own needs. The best way to assess the needs of that plant is to do a soil test. Below are 3 different programs for this flower:
  1. Big-leaf hydrangeas need fertilizing in March, May, and June.
  2. The oakleaf and double hydrangea need 2 fertilizing programs in April and June.
  3. Delicate hydrangea needs fertilizer at the end of winter.


Hydrangea care tips

– Identify your flower species and protect it from pests and insects with the right pesticides. Hydrangeas can suffer from problems such as spots on the leaves, powdery mildew, wilting, etc.

Pests are not common in hydrangeas but can occur if the plant is not growing in good conditions.

Possible pests include Aphids and the red spider mite. The best way to protect hydrangeas from pests is to take good care of them.

Frequently asked questions about hydrangeas

Frequently asked questions about hydrangeas

When do the hydrangeas bloom?

The flowering time of hydrangeas depends on the type of flower and the location where it is planted. Most plants that sprout in early summer will bloom in one of the next seasons, such as next spring, summer, or early fall. Hydrangeas may stop blooming in hot weather, but they will bloom again in the fall.

How to prune hydrangeas?

When hydrangeas fill up a lot of space in the garden, you don’t need to prune them. It is enough to remove the dead horns from time to time.

How to prune hydrangeas

How to change the color of hydrangeas?

By controlling some factors, some hydrangea varieties can be modified. Large-leaved hydrangeas are sensitive to soil PH. If the soil pH is low, the hydrangea will absorb aluminum and the color of its flowers will turn blue.

To get blue hydrangea flowers, sulfur, and fertilizer are usually added to the soil. This lowers the pH of the soil and turns the hydrangeas blue. You can also add aluminum sulfate to the soil during the growing season.

If you want your hydrangeas to turn pink or red, you will need to raise the pH of the soil. To do this, add limestone to the soil.

By adjusting the pH of the soil, you can choose the color of your hydrangea. Just make sure that the pH of the soil does not exceed 7.5, as this will harm the plant.

Can hydrangeas grow in the shade

Can hydrangeas grow in the shade?

Hydrangeas love the shade, but they will not bloom if they are in too much shade. If the hydrangea is in the north of your house, it needs more sun. Generally, hydrangeas need 6 hours of sun per day.

However, if the hydrangea is in the southern part of the house, it can thrive with 3 hours of sun per day.

Do hydrangeas grow in full sun?

Hydrangea likes the morning sun but does not perform well in direct sunlight, especially in very hot afternoons. They need some shade for part of the day.

Can hydrangeas be planted in pots?

If you don’t have enough space in your garden, you can plant beautiful hydrangeas in pots. Choose a large enough pot with a diameter of at least 45 cm. Use non-porous containers that can maintain soil moisture to the level required by the plant. Drainage holes allow excess water to drain.

How to prevent hydrangeas from wilting?

In general, regular watering in the morning can prevent these beautiful flowers from wilting. Some hydrangea species do not tolerate heat and become crooked and wizened in the afternoon heat.

A thick layer of fertilizer can keep the soil moist and cool. However, if your hydrangea bloom returns to its original state in cooler weather, there is no need to worry.

Acquaintance with beautiful Hydrangea flowers

There are 4 main types of hydrangeas.

  1. Oakleaf hydrangea that grows in warm areas. This plant is very suitable for tropical areas and has a high tolerance to summer heat.
  2. Large-leaved hydrangea, which is more common than other species of this flower. This type of hydrangea cultivation is suitable for the East, Midwest, and Northwest.
  3. Branched hydrangea flower. This type of hydrangea is cold-resistant and easily grows up to 4.5 meters in height.
  4. Smooth hydrangea. This flower is also known as snowball because of its white flowers. Growing hydrangeas of this type is a good option for cold weather.

Other examples of hydrangeas include the following

  • – French hydrangea: This hydrangea is a large-leaved species. It is also known as saffron hydrangea and has large and refreshing flowers.
  • – Mop hydrangea: It is a large-leaved hydrangea species with large and round flowers.
  • – Pointed-cap hydrangea: Large flowers surround small buds that take only 30 seconds to appear.
  • – Endless summer hydrangea: This flower was discovered in the 1980s. A special type of hydrangea is a large-leaved variety that is highly cold-hardy.
  • – Prince Hydrangea (Peegee) : It is more tree-like. This flower is one of the cultivars of the hydrangea family.

– Blue hydrangeas: Blue hydrangeas belong to the large-leaf family and are blue only because they grow in certain soil. You can buy blue hydrangeas and see them in different colors the next year.

– Pink hydrangeas: Pink hydrangeas come in different varieties, ranging from fiery to pale pink.


In this article, you have learned about the cultivation of hydrangeas and their care and propagation methods.

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