Should I cut the brown leaves off my Areca palm?
Should I cut the brown leaves off my areca palm?
Introduction to the Erica’s palm
The areca palm is a tropical plant native to Madagascar and belongs to the Arecaceae family, which is currently threatened with extinction in this region.
This ornamental plant is also known by other names such as butterfly palm, paradise palm, areca palm, golden cane palm, and also by the botanical name Dypsis lutescens.
In appearance, this palm is comparable to the Shamadora and Kentia palms and is classified as a flat palm; however, the care conditions for the Erica palm are somewhat more difficult than for the other species.
Erica palm diseases
When caring for Erica’s palm at home, your plant may become ill and exhibit unusual conditions and behavior due to failure to follow Erica’s palm care instructions or damage from insects and pests.
However, anything can happen for a variety of reasons, and we recommend showing your plant to an herb gardener or a florist; below are the reasons for some of the most common Erica palm problems that can help you:
Yellowing of the Erica’s palm
This palm looks like the Shamadora and Kentia palms, and it’s a type of indoor palm. However, it’s somewhat more difficult to care for compared to other species.
Browning of the leaf tips
Direct sunlight, lack of humidity, and dryness around the plant are the two main reasons for Erica’s leaves turning brown.
Burnt spots on the leaves
This problem usually occurs when spraying in front of the sun to increase humidity.
Development of yellow spots or stripes on the plant
This is usually a sign that your plant has a potassium or magnesium deficiency. In these cases, you can clear up this problem by using fertilizers containing magnesium and potassium.
Drying out of the leaf tips of the Erica palm
This cause is due to the dryness and heat of the air, which you can remedy by increasing the humidity.
Erica palm faints
In this case, the plant needs to be examined. One of the most common reasons for this is that the plant’s light requirements aren’t being met, temperature fluctuations, and thirst.
Fungi can damage all parts of the plant, causing reddish-brown or black lesions and spots. These wounds also have a yellow halo around them, you can use fungicides to solve this problem.
Scale insects
Signs of this pest are cream-coloured spots on the plant as well as yellowing and drying of the leaves. These insects use plant sap.
The accompanying symptom of this pest is the formation of cotton-like wounds on the plant. Mealybugs attack your plant in clusters and sit on the bald patches where the leaf is attached to the stem, causing white pressure marks on your plant. You will also need pesticides to deal with this type of bug.
Erica Palm FAQ
Possible questions you may have about the care and growth of the Erica palm:
1- Why does Erica’s palm turn yellow?
The presentation of the plant to coordinate daylight and the need for stickiness and dryness of the discussion around the plant are the two main reasons for the browning of Erica clears.
2- Why does the Erica palm flower dry out?
If the humidity and the amount of watering of Erica’s palm are insufficient, the plant will dry out. Always make sure that the humidity around the Erica palm is sufficient.
3- My Erica palm has been attacked by several pests at the same time. Is it possible to treat two pests in one day? In other words, can I use a fungicide and then apply a bug spray an hour later?
Answer: Yes: If you want to use two types of poisons, it is better to do this one to two days apart. Avoid mixing several poisons.
4- There are brown spots on the trunk of the Erica I just bought, is this a sign of disease in the Erica’s palm?
There is no problem and these spots on the trunk of the Erica palm are completely normal.
5- What can be done to make the leaves of the Erica palm grow thicker?
The most important thing is to create suitable conditions for keeping the plant, such as a package of all-round light, a sticky environment, fertilization in the Erica palm’s development period, and a standard watering schedule.
final word
The Erica palm is one of the most beautiful ornamental palms. Proper care of this plant ensures that its immortality and freshness are maintained.
It also makes a difference in filtering and increasing discussion sultriness. Caring for the Erica palm is not an arduous task. But it breaks down quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to create the best natural conditions to care for the Erica palm.