Where to cut Monstera for propagation?
The Monster-Deliciosa , also known as “split-leaf philodendron”, is a large plant from the rainforests of Central America.
This plant is easy to grow and stays green all year round. It is very popular with designers because it looks really impressive.
If you keep this plant indoors, it grows slowly and reaches around 30 to 60 cm in a year. Its usually heart-shaped, spreading and sparkling leaves have clear openings.
You can also see complex ethereal roots developing from the ground and back stems that form 90 cm long bald patches, so they are valuable.
The leaves of this plant are broad and have deep incisions. Warm and humid weather is ideal. They easily cope with temperature fluctuations. Its aerial roots need nutrients and a mossy base
This species is a climbing, evergreen species that clings to nearby objects with its aerial roots that emerge from the nodes.
When young, the leaves are heart-shaped and have a smooth edge, but over time transverse incisions form in the leaves. The species deliciosa is native to Mexico and sometimes reaches a height of more than 6 meters.
The leaves of this species are dark green and grow to more than one meter long and about 60 cm wide when the plant is fully grown. The fruits of the Monstera are banana-like, 15 cm long and green and white in color.
The Monster-Deliciosa thrives all year round in hot and humid climates. If you plant this plant outdoors, place it in partial shade and in well-drained soil. If the soil in your region is very salty, place it in a courtyard or indoors.
Add an adapted fertilizer to the soil three to four times a year so that the plant can reach a height of 3 meters or more. If you want to use the Monster-Deliciosa as a houseplant, choose a deep pot with lots of drainage holes.
You can grow more Monster-Deliciosa by cutting off a piece of the stem and planting it in soil. In any case, the most common way to grow modern Monster-Deliciosa
Where to cut Monstera for propagation?
We have clarified how to plant Monster-Deliciosa takes off utilizing cuttings. With clean, sharp pruning shears, evacuate stems that incorporate a hub (a little bump, where roots rise), an ethereal source, and at the slightest two takes off.
Sprinkle some ground cinnamon (a regular spice you can get at the grocery store) on the mother plant you’ll be making the cut on. This prevents any disease from entering the cut and helps it heal.
- Place the cutting in a glass of water.
- Change the water every three to five days and if possible, use tap water or rainwater instead of tap water.
- Within a few months, he saw a number of roots growing. At that point, you can pot your new plant with fresh soil and maintain it while it settles into its new home.
- The mother plant may not see appealing for a whereas, but it’s worth it to urge a sound modern plant. For this strategy, you wish blossom greenery or sphagnum, a plastic sack or plastic
- wrap, and a belt pack. Find a stem with several nodes (where the roots grow) or find a leaf that grows from a stem with a short aerial below.
- Make a small cut 1/3 the width of the stem just below it.
- Wrap a 2.5 cm layer of sphagnum moss around the point where the leaf joins the stem
- Spray the moss with water to increase it and wrap it in plastic.
- Belt it to secure it (it might look a little messy, which is okay).
- Make sure you can hold until the roots grow.
When the roots have grown for a few months, it is possible (with a clean and sharp tool) to root the lower stem and place the young plant with its roots in a pot of fresh soil.
Do not forget to apply ground cinnamon to the wound on the mother plant. This prevents any disease from entering the cut and helps it heal.
There are several species of philodendron with wide leaves and deep cuts in flower shops, all of which are sold under the name Monster-Deliciosa , but in botany, which is based on the classification of flowers and reproductive organs, two apparently similar plants may have two different names.
In any case, those plants with whatever name they are offered share these needs. Warm and humid air is ideal for them, they easily accept temperature changes, their aerial roots require nourishment and mossy support. They are suitable plants for beginners.