Why is my China doll plant sticky?



Sticky leaves of China doll plant

A China doll can see this when it is infested with an insect. Most likely, China doll plants are made sticky by scales, little creepy-crawlies that constantly circle the plant, sucking some of its juices and leaving a sticky honeydew.

China doll

If this goes on with your plant and every part it invades dries out, your plant will go down the drain in the long run.

To get rid of it, you can use insecticidal soap. If the entire leaf or stem is damaged, you should remove it as it may not grow back.

To solve this problem, either use an insecticide or clean the leaves of the plant more vigorously.

Sticky leaves of China doll plant

Why is my China doll plant sticky?

The chrysalis plant behind the curtain is an ornamental and medicinal plant that is categorized as a monocotyledonous plant, the order of eggplant, the genus of eggplant, the family of eggplant, and the genus of physalis with its cold and dry nature.

The chrysalis plant

This plant, which can be a rich source of vitamins and cancer-preventing agents, is known to have solid antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and cleansing properties.

All these properties are of great importance for strengthening the body’s defenses. also for more information about Why does my caladium keep dying? click on the link


watering doll plant

For this reason, it is extremely valuable in the treatment of diseases such as hepatitis, intestinal disorders, liver, kidney, and urinary tract disorders, asthma, hypersensitivity, hemorrhoids, pimples, and skin rashes.


The doll plant behind the curtain produces flowers

In addition, the plant behind the curtain is particularly effective in preventing heart attacks and prostate cancer.

The doll plant behind the curtain produces flowers and fruits in summer.

The fruits of this plant refresh the skin and are used in the production of cosmetic creams.


doll plant

This herbaceous plant has annual and perennial species whose stems often grow to a height of 50 to 100 cm. The angular stems are red.

The green leaves are interchangeable, oval, sporadic, pointed, and have long petioles.

The length of the leaf stalk is between 4 and 5 cm and the width of the leaf is 6 x 3.5 cm.


The green leaves are interchangeable

The plant’s flowers develop independently on the stem and in time with the short, curved flower tail.

These flowers can be seen in white, blue, yellow, and purple. The pistil of the flowers consists of an oval, glabrous, and two-lobed ovary.


These flowers, after reaching a seta-like fruit,

These flowers, after reaching a seta-like fruit, have golden yellow, bright orange, and red colors and are as large as cherries.

This fruit is surrounded by a sheath of sepals, which is why it is also called a chrysalis behind the curtain.

This curtain is created by the connection and growth of the calyx.


It is interesting to know that

The natural product of the chrysalis behind the window decoration is the Seta variety, and this natural product has colors and some of the colored seeds.

It is worth mentioning. Inside the natural product, there are numerous small, flat, white, or yellowish-brown seeds.

The length of the natural product is almost 3 cm and its width is about 2.5 cm.

One species of this plant is an ornamental plant. The fruit is large and its husk is green.

This ornamental plant is known in flower stores as a green ball.


China doll

It is interesting to know that

In 1985, trade in the doll plant behind the curtain became very important in Colombia.

Therefore, extensive measures were taken to cultivate this plant and sell its fruits in the wild and as a package for the market.

Currently, Colombia and South Africa are known as the largest producers and exporters of this plant in the world.


The doll plant behind the curtain


The doll plant behind the curtain with the scientific name Physalisalkengi La is an ornamental and medicinal plant that has a cold and dry nature.

It is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants and is known as a powerful antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic agent.

The consumption of this plant helps a lot in the treatment of diseases such as hepatitis, malaria, rheumatism, liver, kidneys, urinary tract, asthma, allergies, hemorrhoids, boils, and acne.

In addition, the plant behind the curtain is very effective in preventing heart attacks and prostate cancer

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