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Should I cut the brown leaves off my Areca palm?
Should I cut the brown leaves off my areca palm?
Introduction to the Erica's palm
The areca palm is a tropical plant native to Madagascar and belongs to the Arecaceae family, which is currently threatened with extinction in this…
What happens if you leave sweet corn on the stalk too long?
What happens if you leave sweet corn on the stalk too long?
sweet corn can be a plant from the Gramineae family that grows in tropical regions. This plant needs well-drained soil to develop and flooded soils are not suitable for the…
Do Kalanchoes like a lot of water?
Do Kalanchoes like a lot of water?
The soil must dry out to a depth of 2-3 cm between waterings, but if you have planted the plant outdoors, you should water it daily in the evening during the hot season. However, always check the soil in…
Why are the leaves on my kumquat plant turning yellow?
Why are the leaves on my kumquat plant turning yellow?
The kumquat shrub is a small tropical fruit tree and is kept as a beautiful plant in the garden and in large containers on the patio due to its exceptional attractiveness.
What is the best fertilizer for fast-growing kumquat trees in Europe?
What is the best fertilizer for fast-growing kumquat trees in Europe?
The evergreen kumquat tree is native to China. This tree grows to a height of 2.5 to 4 meters and bears beautiful, fragrant white flowers in spring.
The amazing thing…
What are the disadvantages of the Kalanchoe plant?
What are the disadvantages of the Kalanchoe plant?
In this article, we will give some examples of the harmful effects of the kalanchoe plant
What is the cause of the red lip of the leaves?
The change in the color of the edges of the…
How long can plumeria go without water?
How long can plumeria go without water?
Plumeria is a tropical tree that grows very fast and produces many fragrant flowers between November and April.
The Plumeria is a small tree that grows up to 9 meters tall when fully grown.…
What is a sustainable alternative to perlite and vermiculite?
What is a sustainable alternative to perlite and vermiculite?
The first answer: there is no substitute for perlite, the properties of perlite include good coverage, warm coverage, cold separator and softness, high porosity, retention of…
What are the disadvantages of perlite as a growing media?
What are the disadvantages of perlite as a growing media?
Perlite is one of the inorganic soil components that contribute to soil air circulation and soil support. Vermicelli is another component of soil to extend the discussion in the…
What flowers have 7 petals?
The number of petals of different flowers
The number of petals depends on the type of plant and the conditions and factors under which it is found. As you know, every flower is made up of parts, and the petal is one of those parts.…