What flowers have 7 petals?


The number of petals of different flowers

The number of petals depends on the type of plant and the conditions and factors under which it is found. As you know, every flower is made up of parts, and the petal is one of those parts.

Flowers have stems, roots, leaves, and other parts, and here we want to study the number of petals of different flowers. The second part of the flower ring consists of a part called a petal.

In the petals, the pterygium and the pterygium, which are narrower and located in the lower part, can be seen and recognized. The part of the pterygium connects the petal to the stalk. In addition, the leaf blade can be serrated, ribbed, smooth, or lobed.

If you look at the number of petals of different flowers, you will notice that at the base of each petal, there is a sweet substance that is used and sought by insects by secreting it. The petals of a flower can change their shape occasionally.


The number of petals of different flowers

According to the research on the number of petals of different flowers, in an old classification of plants in botany, they were divided into three categories: no petals, continuous petals, and separate petals, which belong to dicotyledonous flowers.

in this classification, plants with continuous petals, such as daffodils, are called continuous petals. In addition, according to this classification, the plants without petals are called “petal less”, and finally, the plants whose petals are separated and at a certain distance from each other are called “petals”.

What flowers have 7 petals?

The number of petals of the various flowers and their differences The number of petals of different flowers differs in various aspects such as color, size, number, separate or contiguous. For example, tulips have 3 petals, petunias have 5 petals, gladioli have 6 petals, etc.

If we study the number of petals of different flowers, we come to the conclusion that there is usually no flower with 7 petals flowers with 3 petals, and flowers with 6 petals have the same and common characteristics.  The only flower sometimes seen with 7 leaves is the clematis, but in most cases, it is found with 6 leaves.

The beautiful clematis plant usually does very well in temperate regions, and it is not recommended to grow it in southern regions and regions with hot weather.

Being native to the cold regions of East Asia, clematis prefers cold and humid conditions. the flowers with 4 and 5 petals have similar characteristics. also for more information about Are any flowers naturally black? click on the link

When we study the number of petals of different flowers, we find that the number of petals of each flower also depends on whether it is monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous.

If we want to discuss the difference between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, we can cite the following points:- Characteristic of monocotyledons: Looking at the number of petals of the different flowers, we come to the monocotyledons.

These plants, which are actually called Endosperm, have only one cotyledon, their roots are usually spread and have bulbs, the stem of monocotyledons is usually unbranched, in these plants the leaves have no petioles.

The leaf of this species is usually elongated and has parallel veins, the number of petals in monocotyledonous plants is usually 3 or a multiple of 3.

Examples of monocotyledons: are tulip, hyacinth, star, lily, saffron, etc. Characteristics of dicotyledonous plants: If we look at the number of petals of the different flowers, we come to the dicotyledons.

These plants, which are actually called Endosperm, have two cotyledons, the root is usually straight, the stem of the dicotyledons is usually branched, and the leaves of this type are multiform and usually not parallel. The number of petals of this type is 2 or 5 or multiples of these numbers.

Examples of dicotyledonous plants: The dicotyledons can be divided into three groups, as mentioned earlier:Petaloid: such as willow, oak, hazel


The number of petals of different flowers


Separate petals: e.g. evening primrose, bean, poppy, roseContinuity of petals: e.g. monkey flower, cow’s tongue flowerExamining the number of petals of different flowers examine the number of petals of different flowers from different directions: The number of petals of sunflower: examining the number of petals of different flowers, we focus on the sunflower.

The number of sunflower petals always contains one member of the Fibonacci series. The number of petals of the sunflower is usually 21, 34, and 55.


Gilly flower

The number of petals of a rose: if we consider the number of petals of different flowers, we come to the rose.

The first category includes roses with round shapes, in which the edge of the petal is oblique and not triangular, and also the type of petals is single row and the number of petals is 5, as in nasturtium.

The next category is the sword-shaped roses, in which the edge of the petal is triangular the type of petals is multi-petaled, and the number of petals is more than 20.

The next element is a rose whose petal shape is wavy and the whole petal is wavy.

As for the number of petals, it is a semi-double rose, the number of which ranges from 6 to 20 petals. And so we discuss the number of petals of different flowers.


The number of petals of the Gillyflower flower: in studying the number of petals of various flowers, we come across the Gillyflower.

This flower, which stands in the form of a clump, has narrow leaves. There are two types of this flower, the multi-petaled and the low-petaled.

The number of petals in the night flowers with few petals is 4. The number of petals in this flower ranges from 40 to 70 petals.


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