do creeping thyme seeds like sun or shade grow more?



Thyme is one of the best-known plants in the mint family. This plant is used in traditional medicine as a medicinal plant.

Thyme is also known by the scientific name thymes. The birthplace of this plant is the Mediterranean region.

People in this area were attracted to the plant because of its pink and purple flowers. The small, hairy leaves and the 4 tiny brown fruits of this plant gave it a pleasant taste and smell.

The first people to use this plant introduced it as an aromatic medicine for food, body, mouth, and feet. In ancient Egypt it was used to eliminate bad breath, in Egypt to embalm corpses, in Rome to flavor food, etc.

Thyme gradually found its way into perfumery and was then also used in industry for the manufacture of cosmetics and health products.

Planting creeping thyme seeds

One of the beauties of creeping thyme is that, despite its seductive scent, it is also an attractive ground cover.

Flowering thyme is very attractive to honeybees, and the pollen of flowering thyme gives honey a pleasant aroma. also for more information about Which is an example of a common name for a houseplant? click on the link

Its small leaves are fragrant. Depending on the variety, the flowers are white, pink or purple
Creeping thyme flowers in spring or summer for around three to four weeks.

Most thyme plants only flower in their second year of growth. To ensure that your thyme grows well every year, cut off the oldest and thickest stems at the end of the growing season. This encourages new growth and flowering in spring.

Planting creeping thyme seeds

Do the seeds of creeping thyme grow more in the sun or shade?

The right temperature for the thyme plant

The thyme plant needs warm air to grow and is not very resistant to cold. Germination and growth of this plant are much slower in the cold months of the year than in summer and spring.

It is therefore advisable to plant the seeds of this plant in the ground when the weather gets warmer. Of course, you can also plant the plant in a pot 6-10 weeks before it warms up and put it in the ground after the temperature rises.

Planting outdoors also has a greater effect on the aromatic components of thyme than planting it in a greenhouse.

The right temperature for the thyme plant

The reason for this is the low night-time temperature in the garden. In general, the ideal temperature for planting thyme is around 21 degrees Celsius.

Creeping thyme is native to the Mediterranean regions of southern Europe and is a sun-loving plant that needs full sun (at least six hours a day) to thrive.

Creeping thyme flowers for around three to four weeks. It can flower in both spring and summer, but usually, thyme plants wait until their second year before they start flowering.

At the end of the thyme plant’s growing season, it’s advisable to cut off the oldest and thickest stems. This helps the plant to continue to grow well and make room for new shoots and flowers in spring.

One problem with using soil that drains quickly is that the plant can dry out quickly if it’s not properly cared for.

Make sure that the soil in which you have planted the thyme seeds remains moist, especially when the plant is still small.

Creeping thyme

Creeping thyme is sown in spring. In the first year, it grows slowly to moderately, but after favorable growth, it spreads faster in the following years.

Creeping thyme seeds thrive best in well-drained soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline PH. Like most herbaceous plants, creeping thyme seems to grow well in poor soils. These plants grow best in full sun.

You can plant Creeping Thyme seeds in most regions of the country. However, for sowing this seed, we recommend the method offered by the experts at Ferdin Kasht for sowing small seeds such as creeping thyme seeds.

The seeds of creeping thyme are very small, so it is better to use a planter or disposable container for sowing.

Fill your planter with pest and disease-free growing medium such as vermicompost and peat moss. Sprinkle the creeping thyme seeds onto the growing medium using a knife or spoon. Make sure that the seeds do not touch your hands.

After watering, cover the thyme seeds with a very thin layer of growing medium and spray them very slowly with a little water to prevent the seeds from sinking.

help the seeds germinate faster

To help the seeds germinate faster, cover the seed tray with a transparent nylon with several ventilation holes.

Place your seed tray behind a bright window and in a room with a temperature of 21-25 degrees Celsius.

You will usually see the thyme seeds sprout after 14-21 days. As soon as you see the seedlings, remove the nylon from the container.

Creeping thyme, which grows best in well-prepared soil, does not need fertilizing. In nutrient-poor soils, you can strengthen the soil by fertilizing once at the beginning of the growing season.

In most cases, thyme planted outdoors or in the garden should be watered every 10 days. However, thyme planted in pots outdoors in very hot temperatures must be watered once a day.

To propagate by dividing the plants, you will need a sharp knife or a disinfected spade. When placing a plant in a new pot, make sure that the pot is clean and has well-draining soil.

Remove the root ball from the pot

Water the plant thoroughly before dividing it. Remove the root ball from the pot, or when you take the plant out of the soil, dig a circle around the plant 7 to 10 inches from the center.

To divide the plant, cut it in half, leaving as many roots intact as possible. As long as your plant has healthy roots, you can make multiple cuts.

Fill the bottom of the pot with soil and place the plant in the center. The plant should be planted in the same soil line as before. Moisten the soil around the root ball, then water and place in a sunny spot.

Stem thyme Prune the climber back in early spring to prepare it for the next growing season. Cut the plant back again after the flowers have faded, usually at the end of summer.

In late fall, after the first frost, cut back the tallest and most woody shoots by half. This pruning promotes strong, young shoots in spring.

medicinal plant in pots with thyme

You can easily grow this valuable medicinal plant in pots with thyme. In areas with relatively cold winters, thyme is semi-evergreen, i.e. it usually remains green and retains its leaves, although some may wither. To protect the plants in colder areas after a cold snap, cover them with a 5-7 cm layer of mulch.

In hot, dry summers, two-spotted mites can become a problem for creeping thyme plants. Insecticidal soap is an effective way to control these mites, which can become a problem for thyme plants. Insecticidal soap is an effective way to control these pests.

Creeping thyme is prone to root rot in wet and dense soils. Damaged plants should be removed.
Creeping thyme tastes and smells like mint, just like other thyme plants.

To collect creeping thyme as a ground cover, you can either separate the leaves from the stems or dry the plant by cutting it and hanging it upside down in a dark, well-ventilated place.

To get the best aroma and fragrance, pick creeping thyme in the morning when its essential oil is at its strongest.


In this article, we have introduced one of the most popular plants in traditional medicine and learned about its benefits. The thyme plant can be used as a tea, oil, spray, or as a spice in food.

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