how often should i water a dieffenbachia plant?
Dieffenbachia maintenance at home
It is interesting to know that this plant is native to tropical America. Dieffenbachia originally comes from Brazil.
Dieffenbachia is a plant from the flower family. Its stem is covered with broad leaves. These leaves are speckled and create a striking green and white beauty.
It should be borne in mind that eating a leaf can lead to inflammation, poisoning and even cardiac arrhythmia due to the calcium oxalate crystals in its cells. Even cooking will not destroy this poison.
Despite these warnings mentioned at the beginning, the beauty of Dieffenbachia cannot be ignored.
Its stems are almost thick, but soft and juicy. The broad, green leaves are rather dark.
Cream and white spots can be seen regularly on the leaves. The lower leaves of the Dieffenbachia gradually fall off, but the leaves that grow in the middle are always active and growing. The lower part of the stem is stiffer than the upper part.
Despite all this, it should always be borne in mind that Dieffenbachia is sensitive to excessive watering and incorrect ventilation.
But this is not the only sensitivity of this ornamental plant. We will explain the care process of the plant further.
Dieffenbachia flower types
When you hear the name Dieffenbachia, you think of the common species, but you should know that this beautiful plant has other species that are perhaps less well known.
There are around 12 different species of this plant worldwide, which belongs to the arum family. Dieffenbachia has large leaves with yellow, green and white colors.
As it grows, the trunk becomes bare over time. This plant is also considered very poisonous.
Dieffenbachia plant maintenance
When caring for the Dieffenbachia flower, as with other plants, factors such as light, watering quantity, temperature, humidity, soil and nutrition should be taken into account.
The role of light in the maintenance of Dieffenbachia plant
Light is an important factor for the maintenance conditions of the Dieffenbachia flower. Dieffenbachia does not need much light, but indirect light, and it grows well in a light to shady area, although it grows relatively well when it receives full sunlight.
Some Dieffenbachia species even grow under the influence of artificial light, but in general Dieffenbachia leaves become dark and dull in full sunlight.
Excessive and intense light can cause Dieffenbachia leaves to burn and turn yellow. Excessively bright light also leads to discoloration, herbaceous development and the loss of chlorophyll in Dieffenbachia.
Furthermore, like other houseplants, this plant develops and leans towards the light. The location of the pot should therefore be changed regularly so that all parts of the plant receive sufficient light.
This will prevent the plant from developing one-sidedly towards the light.
How often should I water a Dieffenbachia plant?
Watering the Dieffenbachia flower is very important. It’s difficult to know exactly how much water a Dieffenbachia plant needs.
When watering the Dieffenbachia, make sure that you give plenty of water first and then wait until the soil is dry before watering again.
If it feels dry to the touch, it’s important to dry the surface of the top soil by 2 cm, as the plant is very sensitive to water from the water system.
There is no right time to determine the day to water Dieffenbachia. The climatic conditions, the time of year, the type of soil, the amount of light, the amount of moisture and the location of the plant determine the correct watering of Dieffenbachia.
The role of temperature in the maintenance of Dieffenbachia plant
Dieffenbachia plants like temperatures between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius all year round. If it gets colder than 15 degrees, this plant won’t grow as quickly.
Rewrite this in simpler terms: Rewrite this in simpler language: This plant doesn’t grow as quickly when it’s colder than 15 degrees.
Dieffenbachia plants cannot survive at temperatures below 10 degrees. If the plant gets too cold, its lower leaves turn a light color.
The role of humidity in the maintenance of Dieffenbachia plants
One of the most important factors in caring for the Dieffenbachia plant is humidity. This plant likes a humidity of between 60 and 90 % and is a moisture-loving plant.
If the plant is not provided with the necessary moisture, the stems and leaves will become bent and if the lack of moisture persists, the plant will die.
When caring for Dieffenbachia, the humidity should be taken into account. In cold weather, the Dieffenbachia plant suffers and its leaves fall off. Dieffenbachia plants like a warm and humid environment.
The role of soil in the maintenance of Dieffenbachia plant
Remember how to care for Dieffenbachia flowers. If you have planted Dieffenbachia in the garden, you are free to choose the final composition of the soil, but if you have Daphne Bakhia in an apartment, be sure to use special soil for apartment plants.
The role of the pot in the maintenance of Dieffenbachia plant
The best time to change the soil or put the Dieffenbachia plant in a modern pot is every two years in spring. Don’t overdo it and choose a pot with a few drainage holes.
After repotting the plant in an unused pot or changing the soil, use a strong fertilizer that releases its additives gradually over the long term.
In situations where you cannot change the plant’s pot, changing the soil is the best solution. The surface of the pot is secured with modern soil.
Benefits of cleaning Dieffenbachia leaves
If you keep Dieffenbachia at home, you have probably wondered what role cleaning the leaves plays in caring for the plant.
The answer to this question is: as the plants breathe through the surface of their leaves, dust on the leaves causes the breathing openings to close and the plant gradually dies.
For this reason, it is necessary to slowly clean the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth. When doing this, be careful not to damage the leaves.
Final remarks
This plant does not need to be pruned. It is better to change the pot every 2-3 years.
Dieffenbachia is best propagated by cuttings, which should be cut into 10-15 cm long stems and planted in moist soil.