Why are my begonia flowers losing color?



The cause of the begonia leaves drying out

There are various reasons for such a problem. It is not only important that this problem starts with the leaves, but the main reason for the drying out of spotted begonia leaves or other species of this plant is unfavorable weather and excessive heat.

When the tips of the leaves dry out, this is generally a sign of hot weather and a simultaneous lack of water.

 However, if all the leaves dry out, this is due to too much sun. This is because the begonia does not like direct and intense sunlight. So try to keep it behind the window glass.

The cause of the begonia leaves drying out

Why are my begonia flowers losing color?

The begonia is a popular flower and plant because it has beautiful, colorful leaves that stay green all year round. 

To keep this beautiful flower healthy for a long time, you need to care for it daily and correct any problems that arise. 

In this way, you prevent problems or diseases that can harm the Spotted Begonia. Don’t use velvet, Rex, or Himalayan fur.

Sometimes plants get sick and have problems. It’s important to know why different types of begonia leaves turn yellow, fall off, burn, or dry out so you can fix the problem quickly. “Do” simply rewrites this text.

The cause of begonia leaves burning and drying out

The cause of begonia leaves burning and drying out

One of the most common problems and diseases of begonia is the burning and drying of its leaves. The cause of the leaf tips of the spotted begonia, the bridal begonia, and the velvet begonia burning and drying out is too much light. This is because direct sunlight burns the leaves.

The reason for the leaf tips burning is that the environment is too humid. As this plant is native to the tropics, it is very moisture-loving. 

You can make the air pleasant for it with air conditioning systems and create artificial humidity on dry days. You can also use artificial ponds for them.

The cause of wilting and loosening of the leaves

The cause of wilting and loosening of the leaves

Sometimes we notice that the general condition of our vase is unfavorable. The leaves are loose and fallen and the begonia has wilted.

The cause of dry, loose, and wilted leaves of Begonia rex and mottled is unfavorable environmental weather.

This is because the begonia does not like stale and unventilated air. For example, the accumulation of gas odors in the environment and the lack of oxygen bothers it. So try to keep the window open a little when the weather is favorable to let in fresh air.


First of all, you should know that the right way to water begonias is to keep the soil moist. This stickiness should be such that the soil isn’t flooded, otherwise the roots of the plant will die.

 Excessive watering is the most common cause of drying out, yellowing, and discoloration of begonia leaves.

To prevent excessive moisture from forming around the roots, a completely depleted soil is of course required. Make a gap in the base of the pot so that the excess water drains out of the base and doesn’t remain in the soil.

Drought and blackening of begonia leaves

Drought and blackening of begonia leaves

The blackening of the leaves will cause your begonia to completely lose its beauty. The main cause of the dry and blackened leaves of Begonia rex, bridal begonia, and spotted begonia is excessive cooling of the air.

 This plant’s favorite temperature is between 15 and 28 degrees. Begonia may tolerate hot weather better, but cold weather, especially on winter nights, causes the leaves to lose their beauty. Contact of the leaves with cold window glass also causes this disease.

This problem and disease occur when you notice that the leaves of the begonia have turned brown. These spots are different from the drying out of begonia leaves and cause the loss of beauty of the leaves of this flower. This is because they are a little watery. 

The cause of such a problem is splashing water on the leaves of the plant. This is because the leaves are very sensitive to dusting, wiping the leaves with a cloth rubbing the leaves, or pouring a drop of water.

The cause of begonia leaf shedding

The cause of begonia leaf shedding

First of all, you should know that the right way to water begonias is to keep the soil moist. This stickiness should be such that the soil isn’t flooded, otherwise the roots of the plant will rot.

 Excessive watering is the most common cause of begonia leaves drying out, yellowing, and discoloration.

To prevent excessive moisture from forming around the roots a completely depleted soil is of course required.

 Make a gap in the base of the pot so that the excess water drains out of the base and doesn’t remain in the soil.

 Another reason for this problem is a lack of nutrients. Twenty-three fertilizers are very good for solving this problem. In winter, the cold weather causes such problems.

final word

Nurturing and caring for a beautiful plant is very common. It is one of the problems that many people face. 

You should note that caring for this flower is a relatively simple task, which we have explained in this article due to its drying.


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