how to take care of roses so they don’t turn brown in the sun?
The cause of the browning of rose leaves
The rose is one of the most common flowers, prized for its beauty, fragrance, and general abundance. The cause of browning rose petals can be caused by fungal attack, extreme heat, or insect infestation.
Anthracnose, downy mildew, rust, and some rose viruses also cause the leaves to turn brown at the edges. In this article, we look at the individual possibilities to find out what causes leaf browning on roses and how to treat brown edges on rose leaves.
how do take care of roses so they don’t turn brown in the sun?
Rose diseases
The best-known rose diseases include black spot, rosette disease, browning of rose leaves, etc., which we will explain below.
1- Black spot:
Black spot is a disease caused by a fungus called Diplocarpon rosae. After the formation of a black spot, the foliage of the plant turns yellow and eventually falls to the ground.
2- The yellowing of rose foliage
Drought leads to yellowing of the foliage and even to the plants falling over. Sometimes this factor also causes the tips of the leaves to turn brown. This phenomenon can be caused by sunburn, sandy soil, or wind.
3- Chlorosis
The leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain dark.
4- Rosette rose disease
The yellowing of the leaves is one of the first symptoms of this very strange disease. Instead of a pure yellow coloration, the leaves show a mottled yellow coloration, which can occur with or without. also for more information about click on the link
5-Rose mosaic virus
The virus causes the foliage of the plant to become spotted or yellow and green. The leaves may turn greener as the season progresses.
The cause of the various diseases
The causes of the rose diseases are explained below 1 – The reason for the blackening of the rose stem
Organisms, vermin, and creepy crawlies are the cause of the darkening of the rose stem. The shriveling of roses is usually the result of improper pruning or mulching. When mulching, make sure that you do not bury any stems, otherwise they will dry out. When pruning, continually cut back healthy buds to avoid unsightly, dead shoots. If spots form, cut them back.
2- Nitrogen deficiency
Leaves may appear pale yellowish green and thin.
Save the drying rose
Excessive watering lack of water, and insufficient sunlight are the causes of roses drying out. If the flowers dry out, remove the roses from the planting site.
Cut off the stems and submerge the entire rose (stem, leaves, blooms, and all) in a sink or tub of warm water. Keep the roses under water for 30 minutes. Use this time to clean the pot and fill it with fresh water and some floral preservatives.
Also, remove all leaves. Partially fill the pot with good potting soil. Place the rose roots in the soil. Fill the pot near the base where the rose bushes grow.
Water your rose bush every morning or evening so that the water absorbed does not evaporate. Only water the roots or the dripping point. This will prevent the fungus from penetrating the leaves.
Then place the pot in the shade for two weeks so that it does not lose its moisture, and then move it to a place with some light so that it can resume its growth. It will normally start to grow and flower after one to two months.
Only the flower heads need to be removed from healthy stems, but weak, spindly stems need to be pruned hard to encourage new growth.
Prune where the stems are thick, even if this means removing almost the entire branch. Remove dead, damaged, or diseased shoots.
Enhance the rose
Good watering, well-draining soil, regular pruning of the plants, the right plant food at the beginning of the growing season, a suitable location with sufficient sunlight, the removal of pests, and frequent digging of the soil. This makes the rose stronger.
You can do all these things to strengthen roses:
- Add eggshells :The calcium in eggshells helps to strengthen the tissues of the rose plant and produce healthier blooms.
- banana peel :The phosphorus it contains is useful for flowering.
- Alfalfa :Using hay in your rose garden is a good way to give your roses an extra dose of nutrients.
- Iron fertilizer for roses :Iron contributes to the formation of chlorophyll and activates other enzymes that help activate the nitrogen used by the plant.
Simply put, iron helps roses to have beautiful green leaves and prevents them from discoloring or falling off too early. If the soil does not contain enough iron, the leaves may turn yellow and show small green lines.
Apply iron chelate. This fertilizer consists of crystals that you can mix with water and sprinkle on the soil around the affected plant. This fertilizer can be applied once in most gardens but may need to be repeated in heavily stressed soils.
In this article, we explained about the types of serious damage to roses, including the yellowing of the leaves and its pests.In the following articles, we will try to provide you with broader points related to this beautiful and popular