Why doesn’t my lavender smell?



Lavender, also known as lavender or lavender, is considered one of the most fragrant medicinal plants in the world, growing in various regions of Iran, India, China, England, and Canada.

This plant is used as a special medicinal plant in the traditional medicine of our country and the traditional medicine of China and India and is a useful food in the food basket of many Asian and European families.

Lavender is a perennial plant

Lavender is a perennial plant in the form of a small shrub, half a meter high, strongly branched, with square stems, long, opposite leaves covered with white cotton fuzz and the leaves that appear in spring are dark purple. The spike emerges.


Why doesn’t my lavender smell?

Lavender has fragrant leaves and hairs. The fruit of this plant consists of 4 hazelnuts, each of which has an oval shape and is transparent brown when ripe.

There are 3 distinct appendages on the surface of the fruit. A strong but attractive fragrance emanates from all parts of the plant, especially the green branches.

especially the green branches.

The beautiful appearance of the plant after flowering makes it an ornamental plant in some areas. The utilized part of this plant is its green and flowering branches, from which alkaline oils are extracted in addition to its restorative uses.

Lavender has fragrant leaves and hairs

Drying lavender: five common mistakes to avoid

Drying lavender flowers and leaves is not an art, but typical mistakes lead to loss of aroma and mold growth.

The compost doesn’t have to smell of lavender – the dried herb is much better off in your claim four divider.

So to be fair, cut off the lavender and put it on the heater? That’s not so easy if you want to protect the complete fragrance. But if you avoid a few mistakes, you can dry it in no time.

Drying lavender five common mistakes to avoid

Drying lavender – mistake no. 1: The wrong time to harvest

Lavender should be tied together in bundles and hung up to dry in an airy place

If all the flowers have already faded, you have missed the ideal time. This is not a bad thing, but it does lead to a loss of aroma.

The best time to harvest is when there are only a few fresh flowers left on the branch and there are plenty of buds. The best time of day is midday, as the plants are probably dry then.

Drying lavender – mistake no. 1 The wrong time to harvest

Drying lavender – Mistake #2: Wet flowers or leaves

Collect dry parts of the plant, so to speak. Dew, rain, or water from the irrigation system can cause the lavender to shrivel or even lose its shape during drying.

Especially if you want to process the plant parts further, for example, to make your lavender oil, the twigs or flowers should be as dry as possible. Of course, you shouldn’t wash them beforehand. This applies to all herbs that you want to dry.

Drying lavender – Mistake #2 Wet flowers or leaves

Drying lavender – mistake #3: In the sun

What has once bloomed blue quickly turns gray: anyone who thinks that just because the lavender plant loves the sun so much, drying it using this method is the gentlest is sadly mistaken.

The sun blurs the flowers and many fragrant base oils evaporate. Drying in the oven or over a radiator is also unfavorable. Lavender is best dried on a string in a hazy, cloudy place.

Drying lavender – mistake #3 In the sun

Drying lavender – mistake no. 4: Not long enough

It is advisable to allow the lavender to dry out completely for a maximum of two weeks. If the flowers can be easily crushed, they are good to use.

If they are put into containers too early, there is a risk that they will deform again, which is frighteningly hard to see at first glance. In any case, the lavender should not smell stinky.

Drying lavender – mistake no. 4 Not long enough

Drying lavender – Mistake #5: The wrong type of lavender

This raises the question of what you want to do with the dried lavender. As a precaution, you should only use true lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) for tea or as edible flowers for recipes such as lavender butter or desserts.

Spikenard lavender and chocolate lavender are also ideal for flawless fragrance applications such as scented sachets or potpourris. All lavender varieties are suitable for embellishment.

Drying lavender – Mistake #5 The wrong type of lavender


In this article, we have tried to explain to you all the common mistakes regarding the lavender plant that cause the diffusion to not have the necessary smell and you should avoid them. If there is anything left unsaid, you can send us your questions via email bring up.


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