How long does it take for snake plant pups to grow?


Get to know the sensoria or snake flower better

Here are some examples of short censorships

Identification card of the plant:

Family: Liliaceae

Genus: includes 50 species

Origin and main distribution area: tropical and central Africa, Southeast Asia

Species: Perennial herb with rhizome roots

Leaves: Leaves growing out of the root are thick and woody (fibrous), sword-shaped, oblong or cylindrical, varying in height, and light green with a white, dark green, or lighter stripe down the side.

Flowers: The flowers are very small and appear in spikes, their color is white and greenish and very fragrant. The appearance of flowers is in mild weather and only in favorable seasons.

Flowering time: spring or summer, depending on environmental conditions

Uses: As a decorative houseplant

Habitat: full light, even in direct sunlight

Soil: a mixture of one part screened garden soil, one part sand, and one part leaf soil

When to plant or repot: In February and March, just before the new buds begin to grow

Propagation: Propagation is done by dividing the plant into January & February, Another way is to make leaf cuttings about 8 cm long, which are buried in sand and kept in the greenhouse.

The Sensoria flower is sometimes called the sword flower. Because the appearance of this flower grows with leaves that look like swords. So that the visualization will evoke the presence of several sharp sword blades in the vase.

This is the beauty of the Sensoria flower that makes it so popular and makes its presence suitable for completing the decoration at home.

The leaves are often very dark green. Of course, the shade of green is very common in sensoria flowers.

In this respect, this variety of green colors has doubled the charm of this house flower. Also in the leaves of a sensoria flower, you can see green color in different shades.

Each leaf is often a mismatched combination of rich green with light green and even yellow stripes. Often the edges of the leaves are lighter than the inner parts of the leaf.


The most beautiful species

how long does it take for snake plant pups to grow?

It can take a few months for snake plant babies to grow. Keep an eye out for them to come out of the ground about 2-4 months after you start planting your cuttings.

The most beautiful species:

1- Cylindrica (S cylindrical): leaves are long and cylindrical and up to one meter long.

2- Grandis (S Brandis): The leaves are more than one meter high, the color of the leaves is light green with lighter lateral stripes, and the edges are bronze.

3- Kirokii (S. kirokii): This variety of Sansoria has 60-70 cm high leaves with reddish-bronze edges.

4- Longiflora (S.longiflora): It has fleshy leaves 30-50 cm high with white markings and red edges.

5-Trifasciata (S trifasciata): It is one of the most common species. This variety has pointed leaves, 30 to 90 cm long, surrounded by dark green lateral stripes. The Laurentii variety produces fragrant flowers in favorable seasons and has white or golden lateral stripes.

6- Zeylanica (S. zeylanica): It has 30-60 cm high leaves with white lateral stripes, its flowers are fragrant, especially at night.

The Role of the soil in the Conservation of the Sensoria flower

To follow the main principles in the care of the sensoria flower, heavy soil is required, consisting of a mixture of sand and some clay; a small amount of compost or animal manure can also help to strengthen this soil.

Note that the growth of the sensoria plant is not based on the growth of the stem and the reproduction of leaves on the branches, but it reproduces in the form of stolons at the base of the plant stem, directly on the ground. By using heavy soil, more leaves are formed, which in turn leads to more leaves.

Of course, regular and always low soil moisture is also effective in increasing the growth rate. Be aware that the Sensoria flower is by nature an unruly plant that hates to be in a favorable environment such as soft clay soil.


The volume of light on the way of maintaining censorship

The volume of light on the way of maintaining censorship

Never place the sensoria flower in direct sunlight. The broad leaves of this plant have a large surface area, and this large surface area is completely defenseless to direct sunlight. It is best to place the plant near the window or other bright room.

If you leave Sensoria in dimly lit rooms, the plant will have a much greater tendency to intensify the shade of green. also for more information about Are any flowers naturally black? click on the link

This is to the point that it completely obliterates the yellow and golden streaks. Therefore, if you want to see these golden veins, do not put the sensoria plant in a place with very dim light.

Irrigation in the world of censorship

Sensoria is a water-demanding plant, and if the soil under its feet is completely dry, it should be watered only a small amount to moisten the soil.

Constantly wet soil will cause the sensoria plant to rot. Typically, for all types of censorship is recommended to do it once a week in the cold season and twice a week in the hot season in a limited way.

Some common questions that can be asked:

Why does not my censor flower bloom?

If you follow the conditions for light, temperature, watering, and pot size, your sensoria plant will wither. This is one of the most important reasons for a large pot. Be sure to choose a pot that is

appropriate for the size of the flower. A large pot will fill the roots and not allow them to wilt. Regular fertilizing also has an impact.


Why does not my censor flower bloom?

My sensoria leaves rot from the top and bottom

Flood the soil, remove the water from under the pot, and allow the surface of the pot to dry completely between waterings How to take cuttings from Sensoria Cut the plant from the top with a sharp knife, then cut it into 15 cm long pieces.

Plant the cut end in the moist perlite bed and cover it with nylon. After 20 days the plant will take root.

My sensoria leaves are pale and not beautiful

There is not enough light or the plant needs artificial food, take a fertilizer for houseplants and spray it on the leaves

What should be the exposure of the censorship?

This plant is very sensitive to light, be careful not to put it in a bright place. Low-filtered light is suitable for the plant

My sensoria leaves rot from the top and bottom

Flood the soil, remove the water from under the pot, and allow the surface of the pot to dry completely between waterings How to take cuttings from Sensoria

Cut the plant from the top with a sharp knife, then cut it into 15 cm long pieces.

The Role of the soil in the Conservation of the Sensoria flower

To follow the main principles in the care of the sensoria flower, heavy soil is required, consisting of a mixture of sand and some clay; a small amount of compost or animal manure can also help to strengthen this soil.


What should be the exposure of the censorship?

Conclusion :

Flowering time: spring or summer, depending on environmental conditions

Uses: As a decorative houseplant

Habitat: full light, even in direct sunlight

Soil: a mixture of one part screened garden soil, one part sand, and one part leaf soil

When to plant or repot: In February and March, just before the new buds begin to grow

Propagation: Propagation is done by dividing the plant into Bahman and Esfand, another way is to make leaf cuttings about 8 cm long, which are buried in sand and kept in the greenhouse.

Family: Liliaceae

Genus: includes 50 species

Origin and main distribution area: tropical and central Africa, Southeast Asia

Species: Perennial herb with rhizome roots

Leaves: Leaves growing out of the root are thick and woody (fibrous), sword-shaped, oblong or cylindrical, varying in height, and light green with a white, dark green, or lighter stripe down the side.

My sensoria leaves are pale and not beautiful

There is not enough light or the plant needs artificial food, take a fertilizer for houseplants and spray it on the leaves


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